1. Informit Knowledge Base
  2. Publishing & Partner Dashboard

Submission guidelines

File requirements for submitted content

Partner Dashboard will only accept file submissions as PDFs.  

  • Unzipped files only: We cannot currently accept PDFs in a zip file. 
  • Editable PDFs: Please ensure that PDFs are not password protected and can be edited. 

Uploading multiple files:  

Files for different issues or titles can be uploaded in a single batch. Assign filenames that indicate the title, volume and issue, to avoid confusion. You may also add a comment to provide further information. 

Acceptable filenames 
  • Filenames should consist only of : 
    • Letters 
    • Numbers 
    • Hyphens 
    • Underscores 
    • A single dot/full-stop between the filename and the extension. For example: filename_number_2.pdf  

Character Limitations 

  • Do not include the following characters or punctuation in your filenames: 
    • Brackets of any kind  
    • Punctuation or symbols such as: ? / < ,  ; > : ” ! ’ , @  ` $ # % ^ & * | \ + = ~  
    • Multiple dots/full stops – there should only be one dot or full-stop between the filename and the pdf extension. For example: filename_number_one.pdf 
    • Spaces – please replace spaces in the filenames with an underscore.  For example: Filename number two.pdf should be changed to Filename_number_two.pdf 

Further Support 

This guide has been written to support usage of the Informit Partner Dashboard.  If you have any questions or need support, please do not hesitate to reach out on production.informit@rmit.edu.au.  

We also welcome your feedback to help us continually improve and enhance your Partner Dashboard experience when delivering new content.