Release Notes 2024 | Informit Explore

Release notes for Informit Explore

Minor Release 10/07

Features, improvements, and updates 

Updated login screen 

The UI of the login screen for users has been updated. The primary change is the inclusion of a Trial user banner at the bottom of the page:


When login is selected, the user will be redirected to a login screen designed specifically for Explore Trial users which provides easy access for each trial license by selecting the license and inputting the passcode. 


Images for media 

All media records on the Informit platform have been updated to display a record specific thumbnail. This thumbnail is drawn from the video player from that record. This is an update from the previous configuration which only displayed the series level image for all records under that series. 

This display has been updated for: 

  • Search results 
  • Media series / Table of Contents page 
  • Trending and featured widgets for Informit Explore 

Bug Fixes 

  • Session timeout will no longer trigger after 30 minutes of inactivity while a video stream is running. This has been applied to: 
    • The Informit platform; and 
    • Embedded LMS streams 
  • Number of items displayed in Featured content widgets on Explore issue pages has been configured based on license held by user: 
    • Users with no video license will now see 10x articles in the Featured Articles widget 
    • Users with video license will now see 5 x articles in the Featured Articles widget and 5x videos in the Featured Videos widget