Release Notes 2024 | Informit Search

Release notes for the Informit Search site.

Minor Release 25/09

Features, improvements, and updates 

All fields removed from search string 

When performing a search on Informit, the term 'all fields' will no longer appear in the search string when a search query includes a custom term 

Bug Fixes 

  • When attempting to embed video clips external to the site, if the user has lost their institutional license then restoring that access will grant embed access to previously created video clips 
  • TV Segments, TV Programs, and Films now display correct resource type in searchbar auto-complete drop down rather than being listed as 'article' 
  • Incorrect alignment of options on article / book chapter pages resolved 
  • The alt-text for media records no longer appears in the record description when being shared to Facebook 

Minor Release 26/08

Features, improvements, and updates 

Open Access & Peer Review flags

Visual profile of Open Access and Peer Reviewed icons have been updated

Update of 'Download PDF' button

The 'Download PDF button in the Publication Details widget on article pages has been replaced with a View PDF button. This button functions in the same way with only a change in wording to reflect the functionality of directing users to the Full Text PDF.

HTML Full Text option 

Where Full Text is available in HTML, a 'Full Text' option has been added to record abstracts

Updated button styles for record pages 

The style of buttons on record pages has been updated to reflect the visual profile of other options across the Informit site. 

Order Numbers

Previously, the construction of order numbers for Pay Per View transactions were constructed as:


This has been updated to: 


Bug Fixes 

  • Media series were displaying series in the wrong order. The media series widget has now been updated to list series alphanumerically 
  • When a user hovered over a contributor for any record on record pages, if the 'see more' option was selected, the contributors details would fly open from the hover once again and could not be collapsed. This behaviour has been resolved
  • On the Search Results page, the View Video and Full Text options were displaying as hyperlinks rather than buttons. The appearance of these buttons has been updated in line with the rest of the site 
  • Media series without a cover image suffered a glitch in which no records were displayed on the title record page. This has now been resolved and all media records are available from their series title pages

Minor Release 10/07

Features, improvements, and updates 

Images for media 

All media records on the Informit platform have been updated to display a record specific thumbnail. This thumbnail is drawn from the video player from that record. This is an update from the previous configuration which only displayed the series level image for all records under that series. 

This display has been updated for: 

  • Search results 
  • Media series / Table of Contents page 
  • Trending and featured widgets for Informit Explore 

Bug Fixes 

  • Session timeout will no longer trigger after 30 minutes of inactivity while a video stream is running. This has been applied to: 
    • The Informit platform; and 
    • Embedded LMS streams 

Minor Release 22/05 

Features, improvements, and updates 

Content indicators

  • Separator added for Peer Review / Open Access Icons
  • Alt-text added for Peer Review icon 

Search for index journal records

For records where Informit has article records under a journal but no grouped journal record to, when a user attempts to access this journal Informit will generate a search for other records from that resource and/or further records from that index database.

For example, selecting the below journal record Children and Youth Services Review from Informit's FAMILY collection:


Will result in the following search for other records under the FAMILY database: 



Bug Fixes 

  • Passcode login feature on Apple OS mobile devices (iPhone and iPad) has been restored
  • Select all / Clear all radio buttons on Advanced Search for Resource Type and Media genre page no cause search to return 0 results
  • Private clips no longer shareable / accessible by users who did not create them 
  • Content which has been removed from the site no longer appears in search results and returns 404 error