Informit Explore | Access your Explore trial

Logging into your Explore trial

To access Explore after starting your trial, simply follow these steps:

  1. Access the homepage from this link
  2. Navigate to the orange Institutional Login button:

  3. From here, type Explore into the Your Library / School section on the left side of the screen.

  4. Select the relevant Explore product from the below list, enter the passcode and click LOGIN. Please refer to the onboarding email you received to confirm these details:

    ExploreNSR Includes access to all full text content on Explore
    ExploreSR Includes access to all full text content and a selection of video content that requires a screen rights license 
    ExploreSR + TVNews Includes access to all full text content, a selection of video content that requires a screen rights license, and our TVNews database


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