Creating video clippings

Create, save, share and embed video clippings

You must have a personal account and be logged in as an individual user to create, save or share a video clip.  

Create and save a video clip 
You can create and save video clips from any video you have access to on Informit.  

Step 1  
To create a clip, click on the Tools button and select CREATE CLIP.  

Create Clip

Step 2 
You can then choose a segment by selecting a start time and end time. You can also provide a name and description for each clip and define the access rights.  

It can take some time until your clip has been created. Upon successful creation, a success message will be displayed.  

Create clip

View and share a video clip 
Please note, that the person you want to share video clips with needs to have access rights to Informit for content to be viewed.  

Step 1 
Navigate to My Account by clicking on your username at the top right corner of your screen.  

Step 2 
Select Created Clips in the left menu and click on the clip title you wish to view or share.  

Step 3 
To share your clip, click on the SHARE button to view the 3 social media sharing options or copy and paste the URL. 

Embed a video clip 
To embed a video or clip via an iframe, view the video or clip and click on the Tools button and select EMBED.  


Closed Captions

If a video clip has closed captions available, simply click on the settings icon and choose 'Subtitles -  On'


Still Need Help? 
If you have further questions on how to create, save or embed a video clip, please reach out to us at